The Essentials
This website, https://www.littleaxel.com is owned and operated by Antipode Films AS.
This site, blog, forum, and related services are designed to educate and entertain, and we encourage you to express yourself freely. However, be responsible in what you write, and please be respectful. Basically love and happiness for all…
Thanks to the good folks at Automattic (responsible for great creations like WordPress.com), who have made their more comprehensive Terms of Service available under a Creative Commons Sharealike license, which means that you can borrow some or all of their wording for your own Terms of Service. That is what I have done…
Nothing radical here, but feel free to read the extensive Terms of Service.
Thank you for being on my site.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy please direct them to: mail@antipodefilms.com
All the best,
Bård Kjøge Rønning